Instrument Repairs

With in-house repair technicians, we offer a variety of services and repairs for stringed instruments, from general setups, to complete restrings and any other service your instrument may require.


Electric/Acoustic/Classical Guitar — £22.00 (includes standard strings)

Bass Guitar Restring — £12.00 (plus cost of strings)

Violin/Viola/Cello Restring — £12.00 (plus cost of strings)

Single String Restring — £3.00 (plus cost of string)


Instrument Clean

Basic Clean –£5.00

Deep Clean — £15.00
Includes body polish, fretboard clean with lemon oil + fret polish


Guitar Repairs

Set up – Electric Guitar
£40.00 (including cost of standard strings)
Includes full restring, action adjustment, intonation, polish and full clean of electrics

Set up – Electric Guitar with Floyd rose
£60.00 (including cost of standard strings)

Set up – Acoustic Guitar
£40.00 (including cost of standard strings)

Set up Bass Guitar
£30.00 plus cost of strings


New nut for Electric/ Acoustic/ Classical/ Bass
£40.00 plus cost of parts

New bridge Electric/ Acoustic/ Classical/ Bass
£40.00 plus cost of parts

Broken headstock

From £80.00



General rewiring fix
£20.00 + hourly rate + cost of parts

Input jack
£20.00 +hourly rate + cost of parts

New pots
£30.00 + hourly rate + cost of parts

New pickups
£30.00 + hourly rate + cost of parts






                       All other work will go by our hourly rate of £20 per hour